
NASA's Union Stewards are volunteers who work closely with the Labour Relations Officers (LROs) and other NASA staff to ensure that our members receive prompt and helpful assistance when faced with issues at work. Union Stewards also ensure that NASA is promoted as a positive presence at the university and they work to improve the lines of communication with NASA members.

A union steward is NASA’s recognized representative in the workplace, and is appointed by the chief steward of NASA to act on behalf of other members. NASA provides a steward education program that enables stewards to understand and interpret the collective agreement and to advocate on behalf of members who are experiencing problems at work.

You can contact Chief Steward Markian Hlynka at

NASA's union stewards can represent a member anywhere on campus. Our current stewards, the areas they work in, and their phone numbers are listed below:

First Name Last Name Sort descending Area Phone Number
Elizabeth Adolf Vice-President Research and Innovation (VPRI) 780-492-5335
Adam Akkari Lister Hall/Ancillary Services akkari@ualberta.
Wajid Ali Residence Life wajid@ualberta.c
Jody Bennett HSLAS jodyb@ualberta.c
Beth Brothers School of Business bethanyb@ualbert
Lisa Budney Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Lbudneysteward@g
Colin Burnett Shared Services Finance Services 780-492-5393
Darin Chalifoux Transportation Services darin@ualberta.c
Eilliott Chiles Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine echiles@ualberta
Arlene Figley Donadeo ICE 780-492-1198